Dr Mike, you asked me to write a referral because you have helped 6 of my family of 7. Starting with Leanna who was almost passing out every time she stood up. It took two visits when she was 10 years old and her symptoms disappeared.
Our middle son experience migraines which you treated every couple months. He got incredible relief and outgrew most of them without medications.
Our oldest son struggles with swollen tonsils... I called Dr. Mike before taking him to the hospital for removal. Dr. Mike said yes, I can help him. Yup, he did, no ENT Dr's or surgery. One visit and he no longer has tonsillitis. My husband suffered from migraines from 13 to 27 years old culminating in a mini stroke. He finally went to see Dr M. With one visit the migraines stopped and there was no longer a need to visit his old chiropractor!!!
Broken coorbone from falling off a horse, no problem, dr M took an x-ray and told her it was fractured in 2 places. She that she would still water ski that summer. He taught her why that would be a bad idea. She mended very well without lifelong repercussions. I, Evelyn (mom) had limited ability to turn my head to the left because of a car accident when I was 16. One visit and this issue was completely resolved. I never knew how much tension I was holding n g in my body until it was fixed! AMAZING!
Now I just call Dr M when I have an issue and he will tell me if he can help or he will recommend another professional if he does not think he can help.
These are some of the larger problems dr M has resolved for our family. He comes highly recommended by our family.
The Derksens
I moved to Florida over a year ago and one of the only things I miss about Wisconsin (sorry but the winter was killing me) is the life-changing care I received from Dr. Mike over the many years he treated my various issues. He is the definition of a gentleman and a scholar, and a mensch :)
Amy Goldwater
I am a 61-year-old female who paid various chiropractors over the course of 35 years for treatment, or what they refer to as "maintenance." Dr. Mike was recommended to me by a friend so I went to see him. Using the Atlas technic and his other skills, I walked out of the office with my head straighter and my body better aligned than in years. My results were pretty much instantaneous. I could not believe how much better my neck felt. When I got into my car, I was amazed by how much higher I could lift my arms to drive and moving my neck from side to side was effortless. Dr. Mike asked me to come back in 2 days, gave me an adjustment, and I did not need to see him again for 1 year. Not only that, but Dr. Mike explained that the misalignment of my Atlas could not be treated by a chiropractor, which explains why all those years their adjustments only felt they lasted a day or 2. I wasted thousands of dollars on chiropractic maintenance. My husband could not believe my results so he went to go see Dr. Mike and had very similar experiences. He was also on maintenance with chiropractors over the years. Not only is Dr. Mike a great, talented doctor, but he is the kind of person who is easy to talk to and be around. He has a bubbly energy and he is fun to engage with. Don't hesitate. Call Dr. Mike's office and change your life.
Nancy Fritz
I have been going to Atlas Chiropractic for 3 years. Dr Mike is a life saver and very personable, I don't feel like he is rushing to get me out the door, he makes sure I am better before I leave. There have been many times that I literally could not walk. I walk into the office with pain and walk out feeling like a new person. Whenever I call, they can get me in that day or within a day or two. All I can say is THANK YOU for making me feel better.
I was referred by Dr. Mike's sister Sharon who I work with. The area around my hip/lower left back was very painful for about a month before I saw Dr. Mike. I saw my primary Dr. who referred me to an orthopedic Dr. X-rays were taken, both Drs. thought it was something muscular but wasn't sure if it was my hip or my back. After a 6-day prescription of prednisone which had no effect, I tried a new approach. Sharon noticed that my walk was "crooked". as one shoulder was lower than the other. She said "you have to see my brother". So I did that very afternoon.
His x-rays revealed that my C-1 vertebrae was the worst misalignment he had seen in a year. After about 5 treatments spread out over a month, some appointments required no treatment because I was "in balance”, my pain was gone. Yay for Dr. Mike! Treatments are painless. I never heard of a practice like this but now I am telling many people about it. So, I highly recommend him.
Barbara Overstreet
One of my classmates in college referred Dr. Mike to me. As he explained Dr. Mike’s treatment, he kept pointing to his neck and was talking about the “Atlas Bone.” At first, I didn't know what to think of it. But after having ongoing pain for years, I was willing to try anything! I clearly remember Dr. Mike’s professionalism. He gave me a phenomenal explanation of theory and methods of The Atlas Orthogonal Program. I was excited to try the program and was hopeful the outcomes would be positive. After the adjustment was made, I felt instant relief! I can’t tell you how long I had been waiting for kind of relief from pain finally! I have referred many grateful family and friends.
Thank you, John Steigerwald
Attention Migraine Sufferers: I use to see a regular chiropractor years ago and he did only some good. I was then advised by an acquaintance who also suffered from migraines to see an Atlas chiropractor, Dr. Mike. What a big difference! Dr. Mike got to the root of the problem right away - no messing around. He adjusted the Atlas bone, which is at the top of the spine, and I felt pain relief right away - I kid you not! I was sold. No more messing around with a regular chiropractor for me. Dr. Mike has an additional training which is a requirement to do what he does. I have told others about him and they have received migraine relief as well. I was so tired of going to the regular chiropractor and still taking Immitrex (prescription medication for migraines). With Dr. Mike's help, I have not taken Immitrex for years! Also, when adjusting the top of the spine (Atlas), I get a tremendous amount of relief in my lumbar spine area. So you might say that I get a 2 for 1 deal! Sincerely, Merri Herren
I wanted to let you know how happy I am with the services you have provided to me and my family over the last 25 years. The professionalism of your staff and the care you provide has been exemplary. Sports injuries and the physical rigor of my profession have take their toll on my back and neck. I credit your expertise in Chiropractic Care and the Atlas Orthogonal Program as well as your overall knowledge of healthcare with enabling me to continue to live and active and pain free life. I also appreciate your level of accessibility to meet my needs. Thank you for all you do! Thomas Balistreri III
I have known and worked with Dr Mike extensively the last 25 years, my practice parallels his in that the majority of my patients have failed with previous treatments of medications, cortisone, surgeries, physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments. I have been able to view his methods directly personally and professionally. Although my regenerative injection technologies and other biological methods are radically different than Dr Mike's orthogonal methods I have found that his skills are invaluable for many suffering severe cervical pain and disabilities. He studies and researches intensively much to his patients benefit. I have referred many patients over the years (I have never done him any favors; these people often have extremely difficult problems with pain and suffering). I have found that well over 90% of these suffering people deeply benefit from his skills. A considerable number find that both his therapy and what I do are needed to return them to health and function than has long been lost. Those that experience his skills can attest to profound and unique benefits. He is deeply principled and puts the patient above his and all other interests. I wish I only knew more such practitioners in my over 40 years of medicine and surgery.
William J Faber D.O. - www.milwaukeepainclinic.com – Author of PAIN, PAIN, GO AWAY, THE OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE ADVANTAGE, INSTANT PAIN RELIEF
I received treatment from Dr. Szatalowicz after being in agony for five weeks following a motor vehicle collision, to which no other practitioner was willing or able to relieve my pain. Not only did Dr Szatalowicz take away my pain, he also educated me on how to maintain and take care of myself. He is an exceptional practitioner and his staff excels beyond the standard of care. Knowing the care I will receive when necessary is a huge relief, especially when pain is the factor.
I’ve known Dr. Szatalowicz for nearly 20 years. Our family’s first professional encounter with him involved my wife’s occipital headaches which were misdiagnosed as “TMJ” $2,500 worth of deductibles later, her condition was unimproved. That is when Dr. Szatalowicz took over her case and 6 weeks later my wife achieved a full recovery. Since then he has treated all the members of my family: my parents, my daughter, and me. I have referred numerous friends and coworkers who had failed to find relief from the pain until they were treated with the benefits of atlas orthogonal chiropractic
Attorney Frank J. Liska
I have been a patient of Dr. Mike's for over 20 years. The one thing I am quite sure of is that without treatment from Dr. Mike...there is NO way that I would be participating in the physical activities that I do today! I am 59 years old and I can't begin to express my good fortune in coming in contact with Dr. Mike Szatalowicz as a patient years ago. Dr. Mike is clearly an expert as an Atlas Orthogonist but his overall knowledge of the human anatomy is mind boggling! He has clinically diagnosed several other physical issues and was spot on in all cases. The one case that comes to mind was the fact that I was having on-going issues with my right hamstring. Nothing seemed to be working and Dr. Mike suggested an MRI because he thought that it must have a tear somewhere. The MRI confirmed his suspicions... Amazing! I am hoping and praying that Dr. Mike never retires or I'm in trouble!!!
Thank You, Dan Knackert
I have been a patient of Atlas chiropractic for close to 28 years now and have found it to be the only totally effective chiropractic care I have ever received. I drive over 2 hours one way to receive treatment, but the drive has always been well worth it. On occasion I have tried other chiropractors in a pinch for convenience purposes and have always ended up going to Dr. Mike afterward to “get it right”. I lead an active lifestyle working manual labor for a living; I competed in bodybuilding when I was younger and still continue to weight train. I also am an avid fisherman and go as often as I can. None of this would have been possible without the care I receive at Atlas. When I was first treated by Dr. Mike my back was a mess, sciatic nerve pain being the worst symptom. I was cured of the sciatica immediately and have not had any reoccurrences ever since. My wife and my 2 daughters also go to Atlas; I wouldn’t consider taking my family anywhere else, the results are prompt and effective and there is never a long drawn out and costly treatment schedule. Dr. Michael Szatalowicz truly cares about his patient’s health & well-being and I can’t thank him enough for the care my family & I have received over the years. Bill Bronk & Family from Custer, WI
My name is Jim Ehmke. I am a clinical nutritionist, CN, and have been practicing full time since 1976. If you would like details of my bio please Google; "Jim Ehmke bio."
I was first introduced to Dr Mike Szatalowicz (Dr Mike) in the mid 1980s. At the time I was doing a type of muscle testing that included an atlas reflex point as well as other structural points. As a nutritionist structural considerations were not my forte so I was generally at a loss about what to do.
Remarkably, at the same time an MD in my clinic, Dr S, was telling me about a mutual patient/client of ours who had severe hip problems but was magically cured by an atlas adjustment from Dr Mike. Being trained as an MD Dr S was not necessarily oriented toward chiropractic, but in this instance the results were so dramatic that he took the initiative to contact Dr Mike and was invited to see before and after x-ray evidence of the changes that had occurred in this patient. Dr S asked me to accompany him on this visit which I was glad to do.
We arrived at Dr Mike's clinic and had the pleasure of spending a lunch hour analyzing x-ray evidence, which was really above my head but this was not the case with Dr S. What was apparent to me was that atlas adjustments/corrections affected the entire spine in profoundly beneficial ways.
After that time I began to refer clients to Dr Mike who had clear cut structural problems or even symptoms that were often helped through atlas adjustments/corrections. The results were always quite good and sometimes incredible. It seemed like the tougher the case the more dramatic the results. Clients would return to me and say; "I can't believe so little has done so much good." They referred to atlas adjustment as "little" because they are very low force. After all, most people associate chiropractic with fairly aggressive adjustments of the "snap-crackle-pop" variety. But atlas orthogonal chiropractic is very different, very specific, very gentle and very effective. My wife, Karen, and I both saw Dr Mike and were duly impressed. In fact Karen had neck problems and was completely relieved.
Well, I can say as a practitioner, and all practitioners know this, that when we make a referral and the patient/client is pleased -- even very pleased, it reflects well on us. Nothing worse than making a referral and having it backfire.
Over decades I have referred hundreds of clients to Dr Mike. Some have traveled significant distances to see him. And as amazing as this might seem, I cannot recall a single case that wasn't pleased, and usually very happy with results. To this day I continue to refer to Dr Mike regularly.
Also, I should mention that if you have a situation that he can't help, Dr Mike will tell you. That's happened a couple times and his honest response has likewise impressed me.
If you are in need of structural health care I highly recommend Dr Mike. Moreover, if you have a challenging situation that hasn't been adequately treated for whatever reasons you must see Dr Mike.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss my recommendation in more detail. I would be delighted to help.
My son-in-law referred me to Dr. Mike for I was in so much pain I could hardly walk into his office. He took x-rays, talked regarding my problems that I have had for over 40 years. Took me into his office and gave me an adjustment. He told me to get up from the table. I said I am in pain, he said try to walk. I walked from his table to the reception area in no pain at all. I could not believe it. I have been a patient of Dr. Mike ever since and have referred a lot of people to Dr. Mike. Thank You for keeping my pain away for years.
Karen Wagner
Dr. Mike was the first person in the medical field to actually listen to what I was saying and I had a lot to say. Unlike a lot of other people my neck did not hurt but my fingers were numb, my neck was so stiff I could hardly turn my head, my biceps were on fire and I would get what I would call a mini migraine or as I would come to find out a cervicogenic headache.
Dr. Mike was referred to me by Rick who said this is the only guy I have ever been to that helped my back. I knew Rick had some serious back issues and I felt I was going to have spinal surgery so what did I have to lose.
When I met Dr. Mike it was like we were old friends he is very open and understanding. We went through the initial tests and he said well lets adjust you, he positioned the instrument and it went click.
All done he said and thought done with what you haven't done anything yet. There wasn't any cracking or noise and I started laughing until I sat up. Dr. Mike said well.... and after a minute or so I realized I could turn my head farther than I could for over a year, the numbness in my fingers started to subside I could take a breath that never seemed to stop it was amazing. I'm not laughing any more, it has been about 3 years since I was a week from surgery, without Atlas Chiropractic and Dr. Mike I know I would have had surgery long ago.
I have referred many people to Dr. Mike and they all same the same thing WOW.
Doug McFee
I had been seeing two different doctors prior to my visiting Dr. Mike. I was barely able to walk during my first visit to Atlas Chiropractic Clinic. I thought for sure that I was in need of back surgery because of all the pain that I had been enduring over the past nine months. After a few visits to Dr. Szatalowicz, I am starting to feel like a new man!! I will be forever thankful to Doctor Mike for his role in restoring my health.
Michael Smith, National Sales Manager - Lincoln Industrial - Brookfield, Wisconsin
I cannot say enough good things about Atlas and Dr. Mike. I had been in pain for years and no one could solve it-- and believe me, I had been to everyone from pain specialists to PT to acupuncturists. I knew after my first adjustment with Dr. Mike that we were on the right track. I was so off that it took several months to hold the adjustment but I have my life back! It's amazing. This is something I had literally given up on and thought I was destined to be in pain constantly. Dr. Mike also helped me with a lower back issue and gave me tons of helpful tips-- worth every penny. I tell everyone I know about it. No one in the conventional world has ever heard of an atlas chiro which bothers me to no end because everyone could benefit. Great place!