Dr. Michael Szatalowicz has been practicing in the Metro Milwaukee area since 1984. His training in the Atlas Orthogonal Adjusting Procedure was procured from the developer and inventor of this fascinating method of treatment, Dr. Roy W. Sweat.
Dr. Szatalowicz’s primary methodology and focus in treating spine related conditions is the Atlas Orthogonal adjusting procedure. This procedure is performed by using a table mounted instrument which is equipped with measuring devices (protractors) to assist in delivering a very specific vector adjustment to the atlas bone.
The instrument itself delivers a vibrational force which is sufficient to reposition the misaligned atlas vertebrae. This instrument is often referred to as a percussion adjusting instrument or Atlas Orthogonal adjusting instrument. The adjustment itself is completely painless.
The angle of the atlas misalignment is determined by taking three radiographs of the neck. Specific radiographic measuring instruments are used to calculate the degree of atlas displacement.
The atlas bone is the first vertebrae on top of the spine. The head sits on top of this bone and is dependent on the atlas being in a correct position in order for it to process vital information to the brain.
The atlas adjustment is not just a neck treatment; it is a full spine treatment. Some of Dr. Szatalowicz’s work is published in a Medical/Chiropractic text. Upper Cervical Subluxation Complex: A Review of the Chiropractic and Medical Literature by Kirk Eriksen (Nov 1, 2003)
Dr. Szatalowicz has extensive specialized training in Whiplash Traumatology, Brain Injury and the physic's of Low Speed Rear Impact Collisions. His knowledge of the cervical spine is a significant asset to those who have been involved in motor vehicle collisions and have been injured.
Whiplash trauma is a science in itself. The research literature on this complex health topic is changing constantly, and Dr. Szatalowicz is committed to staying on the cutting edge of the most pertinent research as it pertains to his patients. Not only is the understanding of how to treat these injuries necessary, but objectively identifying the injured tissues through appropriate specialized testing to provide evidence of their existence, is crucial for an accurate diagnoses, prognosis and in delivering the most effective treatment.
In addition to Dr. Szatalowicz’s specialized training in the upper cervical spine and whiplash injury, his office is equipped with state-of-the-art technology in the diagnostic realm. His office is one of only a few clinics in the State of Wisconsin to have a Videoflouroscopy (digital motion x-ray or VF) unit for diagnosing ligament instability and other related soft tissue pathologies.
Videoflouroscopy analysis is vital in cases in which there is otherwise no evidence of injury to tissues. VF is sensitive to identifying injuries that MRI, Computerized Tomography (CT) or static spine radiographs often miss.
If you have been injured in a car crash and are in need of specialized care to treat these injuries, Dr. Szatalowicz invites you to learn more on the topic of whiplash and review Dr. Szatalowicz's personal credentials at the Spine Research Institute of San Diego’s web site. SRISD.com
Dr. Szatalowicz sincerely appreciates your visit to our website and hope that it has been informative. If you should have any additional questions regarding your health issues please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Szatalowicz at his office.